Saturday, May 5, 2012

Ubud Class / May 5th '12

You painted from your drawing which is good for painting because of no color in drawing so you have to decide what color will be and you have freedom to choose colors, you have sensitive expression of face and strong body which makes contrast and interests too, it has b=nice color and keep on doing.

It has beautiful color with pastel tone of color and good texture to support colors, you were inspire by color and texture foe this painting, but nice balance of warm color and cool color which is another contrast effects, good.

This painting also has nice color and good abstract aspects and it has very fade out expression but works with this kind of colors, geometric line also creates shape of abstract and like frame, it is nice to see a lot of free touch of paint, makes it comfortable looking.

Your ballet dancer and abstract spiral painting works with two together, it;s creates more movement and direction of subject, it has good effect for wipe off from dark blue to make light and form. it is like diptych  panting which two different canvas put together to make one painting. good.

It is interesting abstraction of face, right side black  background makes profile of face and form like muscle tissue with color, which represents inside of face or expression, color is like illuminated color as a  fluorescent colors, interesting that only light is line, interesting painting.

It is simple composition but has certain expression because of black dress and hood gives you an idea of woman also has line with light as fluorescent effects, against black these bright line makes nice touch.