Sunday, April 29, 2012

Ubud Class / April 28th '12

It has very nice half tone of colors, good effects for fade out bottom makes softer image and stand out her hair much strong and nicely, it is well control painting and nice painting with abstract aspect, without expression of face, you can see her feeling by color and pose of her, very good.

Your imaginary image of world is showing as dream and more like space fantasy, it has nice strong light and nice reflection light, it is showing the world of your mind also a lot of story in the painting with little touch, color is also well chosen for subject too, good.

You have own way to mixing color and came out beautifully that has softness and life of flower, big flower close up makes almost abstract element of painting and shows more design and simple composition but has good impact for painting, it will be finished with more nice tone of colors.

Your dog painting is good and treat dog as human with expression also nice relax posing, flower are around him makes more fantasy and lovely composition, I can see that you are dog lover and shows your love for painting.

Painting of canyon and sand rock and stream in desert, color is good and soft also showing dry world, if you have a little more contrast of color which is dark and light, it will be more stronger, but it is kind of nice to see soft and half tone painting of ragged nature.

It has interesting aspects of subject and color also strong and nice, symbolic person and symbolic posing which creates message or story, nice soft space in bottom supports more for strong subject, it has element of contemporary painting and continue.

Your out come image of your meditation by imaginary painting with dragon, it is not necessary to paint as realistic, because of your image of mind. Just focus on your image and feeling you had that time, it is interesting that paint by imagination of meditation, it will come out a lot of unknown aspects.