Sunday, May 13, 2012

Ubud Class / May 12th '12

It has a nice aspect of abstract and still shows figure as woman, strong but soft form of colors, melting form and three dimension effect is very good, nice colors and strong contrast within background.
against black form become more sure about it and creates a volume.

This is also same aspect but nice and floating, lighter than the other one but has good balance of color and shows figure as man, edge of line has good gradation effect which makes line and form and shape support well, very good,

Your girl image is completed with crystal balls that makes this painting much different than just portrait of girl, it's shows the world and fantasia feeling for painting. it is important consider shadow which makes figure three dimension, color is nice and soft has good atmosphere of her.

You made this boy very strong expression by face and feather on head, it is become more volume and three dimension around face by feather decoration made bigger, eye and mouth also nose makes his dignity and power for expression, good.

It has interesting texture of paint and color is wonderfully nice and strong, touch of paint makes her character also earthy power of Africa, expression of eye and mouth also telling a lot, I like te rough touch  of paint, almost Van Gogh's touch, body has also little blue and green which support the earthy red. good.

It has a nice free touch of painting knife and shows very relax atmosphere, and enough description for Balinese women standing, color of closing also nice and interesting mixed color, you got light and contrast , it's good for you to try something like this "Free".

You are playing this canvas to enjoy the change of color and shape to see what comes out, but it's good to see something unconscious touch bring to you inspiration to move on, you keep playing until something you see which you like or amazed, keep on doing.

Your first oil painting become nice and pretty, you have soft lighting on pond also created depth in pond too, it has shown good perspective effect between flowers and water too, keep on doing.