Sunday, April 22, 2012

Ubud Class / April 21st '12

This beautiful painting as French impressionism of Monnet, it has very limited light creates strong contrast and depth, it has water and light texture with tone of blue, also the touch of brush is so free and right on the place, it's good painting to express light and shade which makes so romantic.

It has beautiful color and light, also this painting has limited lighting which creates own atmosphere, Buddha's father made three lotus pond for him which is white lotus, red lotus and blue lotus, this is the one of the lotus for Buddha. it's all dark colors but has delicate light hits in the lotus, beautiful.

You can make real nice painting with texture which is your character and beautiful texture, just like sample for who like to study what texture can express, your color also getting more mixed color which creates tone of color a lot and makes painting richer, good.

You really made clean morning light and shows air so beautiful, it has nothing you can do any more, you feel such a pleasant light and air from this painting, you study a lot of light and tone of color by this painting, good.

You observed subject very carefully and that;s makes your impression of this painting, colors are beautiful and shows light well, light and dark which makes contrast and depth of scene. it is nice painting you did.

Your composition of painting is nice and strong, strong contrast makes strong light and powerful painting, gradation background and dark shadow trees are bold and good but shows delicate scene of sunset, good.

Your sunrise painting is more misty and sentimental dawn you express, light is minimum but shows sensitive light, it has simple composition but has depth and far a way scene of landscape, good.

Your butterfly is flying and made nicely soft tone of color so butterfly is light and in the air, color is nice and delighted feel pleasant painting flying butterfly in the light, good.

It is interesting painting with nice color of background and texture you made with painting knife, it has interesting mixture of color, and heart shape and red color goes with background beautifully, one thing I can suggest that you don't need letter of love, it has already show some kind of love feeling.

This is very interesting painting with regenerated from previous painting you did, come life again, using texture of charcoal drawing which makes nicer, good texture painting but has life in there, it is good abstract painting with mind and action, good.

It has interesting aspect of landscape painting, many orb in the air has slowly coming down to the land, because orb is big and shows gravity weight to down, also land is dark.
movement is comes out from your action of mind so hard to do on purpose, sometimes intention makes unnatural appearance, without intention movement come out by mind and body. interesting painting too.

This is also interesting as very limited light hits the edge of shape, so has floating image and connected with in dark, red color is nice against deep blue with texture, it is simple composition but has strong existence of subject form, your emotion is showing on painting well now, keep on going.