Sunday, January 8, 2012

Ubud Class / January 7th '12

This is really nice painting you did, as realistic and abstract combine together makes impact for both and has good texture and pattern to support boy's expression, color is also nice and together, you captured softness of fabric and different texture on face, very good.

Balinese boy has good expression and very simple background makes figure more focus, color is nice and warm, and design of canvas which creates direction of his point of view, good composition, you can work on little more on face to make him more softer and smoother.

It is nice smooth texture makes such a good atmosphere, very simple composition but has impact of subject, sweet and warm feeling is showing good, color also nice and earthy, good try and simpleness has good impact sometimes.

It's came out nice painting, as simple colors and nice touch of paint, gray tone of color and little red and yellow makes black and gray more tone, simple but has power and good design too.

You got nice atmosphere already in this stage, rough touch of brush but captured the light and color also perspective effect and I like this way, you don't need to finish this painting, it's already has enough description to enjoy painting, good one.

Hand power in Bali, and trinity power and has primitive way of painting but has good explanation of how you feel, especially you used bali soil to make island three dimensional effect which is little conceptual idea.

You have nice color to start this painting because of color has light already, so you will see the air and space clearly, it is repaint of previous painting but this time canvas is bigger and you will see different space and light so enjoy finishing.