Sunday, January 15, 2012

Ubud Class / January 14th '12

It has two direction which makes movement of this painting, also nice colors and good contrast as dark and light color, dark blue and dark red support other light tone of color that makes painting sharp and slick, has energy and also power to show your emotion, good one.

You captured very good expression of figure, and strong and powerful painting, it has nice texture including scratch line pic form up well, color is dynamic and strong lighting makes figure more powerful, it's nice painting you did, and keep on going.

It has nice combination of color, vivid color and soft grayish background works each other well, red is good against blue and gray and green, it has very modern aspect and good abstraction of figure, composition also nice and red object hanging on wall is good touch, very good.

It has nice expression as action painting and like that grand piano was there, which makes more story between abstract expression and piano, also nice dripping and splash paint creates strong expression and power, color is nice over all, it is good expressionist painting, nice and dynamic. 

This one has also good action aspect as brush stroke crossing, and color is more metaphysical and nerve color, but has big scale of painting which is simple composition and contrast between stroke and soft background.

You create such a depth and big perspective for land scape, you got light all right and depth of scene which view from above, you might need more light on water but you can continue next week for that.

You finish this painting good, eye has much better expression and pattern of scarf is good, and light hits on face and light and shadow makes more expression of face, color is all nice with red, strong touch of eye and line makes more focus on eye, good.

You start capturing her expression including her pose and face, also little bit of lighting too.  color is nice and mixed, so continue this painting for finish.

Now you put trees and house which makes depth in painting, so big front tree shows more bigger size and in front, light emerald green makes light and god color against trees color also color of ground, keep on going.

You lost photograph for this painting so you have to continue as your own imagination which is interesting to see how you continue this painting, it is free to get out from image of photo and now you can be more free to do what ever comes out in your mind, you can paint.

Ganesha painting, color is good and see how you finish this.

It is difficult that from black and white photo, because only they show by tone of gradation, and if you wants to out color then you have to fallow as light and shade first to put right color, in other wards hard to see the right color, light and shade creates form and shape so you really need to understand it.