Saturday, December 24, 2011

Ubud Class / December 24th '11

She retouch previous painting, paint over by dark brown and wipe off the paint to pic up color and light, it is much better this way, has more depth and deeper color creates richer color, but still have light and hits to edge of flowers, it is more dramatic and much easier to see whole painting, shadow creates nice lighting.

Another wipe off painting also painted brown and purple on previous painting which is very dry and old, but now she made it come back as lively flowers, also much better lighting and color, has more depth and eliminated a lot of thing, so more clear composition and strong too.

She painted over unfinished canvas to make figure, instead of start with drawing, just wipe off the paint make painting and this way you can learn lighting, which light to pic it up. color underneath shows interesting with paint over and you can keep good accidents by process of painting, and see what you see during wiping off paints.

Nice painting of movement as soft but strong direction, black color support very good for colors, two direction, one is in background makes nice depth and space between, organic shape and industrial texture creates separation of space, interesting.

This very interesting and good abstraction, good stand out for colors, has depth, light, space, shadow,  it's strong but calm composition as Georgia O"keeffe landscape like, but very passionate painting, and good one.

She used paint a lot of tree, and this one stop soon, so maybe get some inspiration later.

Started new painting as boy, but has very good expression of face also composition is nice and light, you can paint face well now, especially capture the expression which is most important for painting of face, this painting has a lot of potential to make nice painting.

Your have good primitive aspect of painting, it has good color and feel warm painting, innocent and natural, it is good that you are not trying to make realistic, has good feeling about it.