Sunday, January 22, 2012

Ubud Class / January 21st '12

It is nice painting with great own expression of face, color is beautiful together, good balance of elimination of subject which makes painting contemporary and slick painting. your eye and mouth is fine where shows this expression, also contrast between rough background and smooth is good too, instead of everything same.very good.

You captured good expression of African mother with gentleness, even touch of paint is rough, color is very interesting with red in it, it has good balance of warm color and cool color which makes nice support colors each other, your texture by painting knife also good.

Your touch of painting knife is works very well for this subject with volume and three dimensional effects, and color is nice and passionate with light, also face is good face and shows her expression well, good light and shade, it has nice quality of painting as free touch and still shows sensitive expression. good.

It is getting good now, as face expression is coming out also color is nice and light too, you pic up good light for face and robe, strong face and soft color makes also interesting contrast, yellowish light looks like time of sunset and warm air and light, continue.

Your mother  and child getting strong and has good volume for figure but you need strong african light which makes by strong shadow, not only light color, shadow is represent light, so need more contrast for background.

Your abstraction of figure is interesting as designed composition and color  is nice and vivid but works out well each other, you also has good combination of color as dark yellow and light yellow, dark red and light red, light green and dark green bright orange and dark orange which makes depth of color and good balance. keep on going.

Your abstract expression of heart is good you says " fading heart " such a poetic expression, and beautiful painting including color, strong touch and movement you creates, dark wing also very symbolic too, painting knife textured background also really nice and fits with heart, very good and nice painting.

Your landscape painting becoming more abstract elements and creates more light and reflection of water, it has already nice feeling of air and bird view makes such a scale and depth. I think it's almost finish this painting.

Your expression of abstraction is line and form which floating as wind or water or air, so you find your line and shape also form to continue as your original world elements, color also nice just adjust balancing of color which is balancing with light in image, you are also interested texture but it's all necessary aspect for abstraction expression, so keep in your line.