Sunday, September 4, 2011

Ubud Class / September 3rd '11

You are start mastering how to use knife painting and bigger canvas takes more same rhythm to make even touch which you need concentration to put paint on, it's came out really nicely and shows good strong light and shadow, good control of knife.

This painting has a lot of myth, sadhu like figure but color makes atmosphere as mysterious painting, also small red dart of face is nice touch of figure to shows what she is. interesting painting.

It is nice painting and very modern too, even very complicated composition but same tone of colors are blending to one painting, it's rather pop abstract but shows movement and non gravity object flying around, color is nice and well organized, very good.

You captured well as his expression with eye contact, nice color and your colors is creates a strong part of your expression so even rough touch of brush, sensitive color gives more atmosphere.
it is good painting of Jawa dancer and you have own idea about how to paint which is good.

Your first painting of people is very good, you captured expression of her and age, light from bottom hits her face like more theatrical effect but you made it good three dimension face and captured beautiful lighting. good.

It has classic element of landscape painting as water color texture, but shows certain time of day by bottom part of painting which is misty and brownish colors are creating nice landscape with contrast of big sky, it;s good landscape painting and created good mood and expression of peace.

You have idea as abstract or realistic but dosen't matter no matter what is you have to make interesting and good painting, if you care so much about should be or must be y=then you got stuck in there, so be free yourself to find something you never see before from you, open more mind for painting.

After blue coating you start seeing something different as you did before, in order to find what you did and how good it is , you need different approach to find some new, your vivid colors are more live in dark blue, and show more power of vividness against blue, it;s all magic of colors.

This painting is rather surreal abstract, has image of real life but it;s all abstract, you use perspective composition which creates image of space as ordinary life subject, it;s interesting design also painting too, color contrast with solid black space, it has very modern aspect in painting and nice.

It has mixing color as water color painting, also surreal subject even abstract, because of glass ball in center, surreal is abstraction of mind creates realistic form of expression, so sometimes realistic mind creates abstraction form.

What a breast ! but this is not like your painting, you try to express your surreal  idea on realistic form, but did not have enough surreal idea, it just like image collage and need different situation as nice breast  in the sky or desert, make more drastic environment to creates more surreal world.

You have interesting expression with abstract or realism , this one is more like divine light painting very complicated abstract as subject, strong and mysterious also so spiritual. very cosmic like painting also inside of human too. interesting.

She try to paint as realistic way of painting to describe and definition of situation but has surreal element in this painting because no face, maybe not finished, but I would like to see more of this painting so you can continue next week.