Sunday, August 28, 2011

Ubud Class / August 27th '11

You captured good expression of women, also good composition of figure and volume of figure too, blue and red contrast also background color is nice and neutral which pic bright color up, good smile on eye and lips, it is lively expression of face and creates atmosphere by expression of women, good.

It was strong touch and hard edge, but end up soft and gentle floating image of color, passionate color but has very delicate and gentle expression by soft edge, also feel light and movement, it has certain sophisticate aspect of painting, modern and sensitive, very good.

It has interesting distortion of figure and shows expression of sallow and confusion also color gray makes their expression as more metaphysical. red background works with gray and black strongly, nice texture of arch above has good contrast.

It has nice strong color and interesting composition, strong arch makes prying subject more clear, color is nice and strong, it has good element of abstraction, black trimming is good idea too.

You had image of abstract with soft as pastel color image. it is difficult show contrast with soft tone of color but use warm color and cool color or lighting which is hi-light and shadow could be contrast for image. color is nice and sensual but not cheep way, very delicate color, you also created depth and light.

Your combing painting getting more information of situation like lighting and expression of figure also space, now you have indoor lighting with atmosphere too, color become much warmer so as light too.

Your night scene of camping is good, you got night lighting and shows your own story and black dogs are like shadow animal, it has good texture of land which creates more nature like, you are expressing good for your own image.

Nice trees, strong and bold, another night scene but two girls makes scale of painting and good composition too, you have your fairy tale which is very good to paint from your story, keep on going.

Such a movement angle of hill and down hill expression is great, even air and snow has supporting strong movement, very energetic image of painting. 

This is abstract expression of down hill again, using painting knife and strong touch and scraping, your expression is good and color has contrast as vivid and mixed color which creates more definition of image instead of just vivid color, kind of nice abstraction more like action painting.