Monday, September 12, 2011

Ubud Class / September 10th '11

It is nice landscape painting, it has great depth and perfect perspective also, Tree in front makes strong and bold, then valley goes to horizon to become more fade out which creates good depth and wide scale of land, color is also good with soft color and shows thickness of air and space.

Your abstraction expression become more design and more relationship of color each other which is you need to study and conscious of " Color and design " how they work each other. dark side to light side, which is left to right object are moving to, also shape and form are rolling to light yellow side.

Your Panda painting is very sweet and good, your imagination of holding panda and made story with related with your own world which is very good, also made window in background and sun and tree that makes whole world coming up to show your creation. good.

Your abstract series is getting more interesting as continue expression of yours, it has nice form and pattern also color which is makes atmosphere of painting, your design also getting more better to creates depth of object and mood.

It has already nice aspect of painting which is in process but has enough expression of what you painted.
it is not important to finish perfect painting, taste of contemporary is temporary process, it has nice design with black background too, it is better like this.

You have such a sweet imagination for painting, you have always your story which is your own fairy tale, that makes painting more of your original and related with your expression. good.

Your tree painting came out nice with knife touch and more energy shows for tree, also dark part of stem and light shadow of ground separated horizon and sky, expression means push out something you feel not you thinking, what you feel in more important for ex-pression.

Your improvisation piece is good, you captured direction of movement and depth also something happening, because of you are not thinking, just painting as you feel, so one way to say natural of your expression.