Sunday, September 18, 2011

Ubud Class / September 17th '11

Your painting become more clear and neat, it has more definite space and composition, colors are getting more sensitive and strong, your imaginary world getting so much better as surreal and
fantasy, also you creates such a depth, and become nice psychological landscape which is your world from mind. good.

Your idea of abstraction expression is gain more method painting which is how to creates something new for you. it is good trial and it's not matter of good or bad, just what you try to see is your experimentation of your imagination and creative mind so go on, it will be all connect together sometimes. it bring people eye far a way.

It has very sure feeling and strong composition and beautiful blue color painting, your stroke of painting creates very lively energy and romantic atmosphere with misty white. I see a lot of organ shape of woman which is feminine, and strong touch shows your muscular, so like yeng and yang element.
Your expression of blue and your control of white works well as balance.

This painting is good fairy-tale of yours, nice soft color creates your feeling as dreamscape, it has very stable composition which you are looking foe sureness and honest wish. you also creates space with depth and such a peaceful lighting, good.

Now you made this painting lively and more story of yours, there are many good contrast as color and subjects, vivid light on flower and figures in shade, and depth between flower and figure is good which shows by colors. it has also good abstract aspect on this painting, so more feeling you can feel. good.

This is also nice painting you made again from previous painting, it has such a nice texture which shows expression of cold and dry also air, modest light hits tree is good touch, it has very good poetic expression, vertical tree and horizontal sky also makes good balance for composition, good painting.

You captured such a lovely scene of couple in the rain, your strong touch of paint and colors even creates sensitive feeling of situation, there are good movement and lighting, so has lively atmosphere you can feel. your touch is so free and strong but you can show any expression by your touch. of paint

It is such a nice blue painting, so many tone of blue makes painting richer and nice white touch for lighting, when you mixing on canvas, so many colors come out un-expecting way, then you keep what you like in there, there are many light even just blue color, good.

You made good self-portrait of yours, it has very good expression which is strong and gentle, serious and playful so captured expression of yours. color is also nice and calm and you can work on little more of this painting to make such a nice portrait. good.

It has nice soft color which creates atmosphere of this painting and waving lotus and waving background also makes nice movement, it has lively composition but if you make more contrast between lotus and background then good depth and shows lighting. so you need more vivid contrast on lotus even soft color.