Sunday, August 7, 2011

Ubud Class / August 6th '11

She expanding to her idea to make two canvas painting which is become more interesting and see more story and powerful than one. Now you have more movement as direction to go and lively, you needed to adjust tone of colors and what exactly want to show as main character so some of the color and tone can be eliminated to focus more of main thing. but came out interesting now.

Your colors are getting so good with texture, color next each other has been well thought that makes comes out each color two times better, relationship of complement colors makes also strong existing with creates depth and dimension of shape, good.

You captured very good expression of them, as smiling and happy feeling with rough touch of brush, also good depth and nice texture of clothing they wearing, it has a good warm atmosphere of portrait and made nice space behind of them, good.

It is very interesting expression of dropping down from round shape and has strong expression of movement as psychological expression, it has no gravity but dropping makes gravity which is two element of weight, as gravity and non gravity together same time which makes painting mysterious and interesting.

It has a such a symbolic painting as light from hole, it could be space, it could be earth or in the water, nice texture creates such a mysterious lighting, dark and light and leaking light from ho;e makes depth and movement, interesting painting.

She try to paint figure by painting knife and she was too much concern about realism by knife which is not right idea, painting knife has limitation of paint so you have to use those limitation of paint by knife, then you will find good touch of knife is work as realistic expression, I touch this painting to show how it's works.

This one she try by herself with touch of knife, painting figure it has possibility of showing expression as mixing colors, even background painted with unconscious touch makes some kind of scenery of land. even unpainted part looks like sky and eye following as realistic subject, without conscious you can paint too.

It is like minimalism idea painting simple but has definition of subject and clean as possible, smooth touch by brush and knife touch by beach sand makes nice contrast of texture so creates depth between beach water and sky.

her second painting also minimum touch smooth background and bold touch of paint makes depth between, also yellow light related well to show lighting in background and flower top. it has so many way to show contrast as color, tone of color, dark and light etc. you will find many way to do it.

Your soft tone of color landscape bring certain mood and feel thick air, slightly light and calm water makes like early morning before sun comes up, feel cool air and shows some atmosphere in the early morning. It is good this way, it's moody painting.

Your snake story become more powerful and describe what's going on, it is difficult to transfer your verbal image to visual, so you need to make visual as image of verbal, sometimes work just focus one image from sentence to expanding at painting, so you need to select what could be the most important element of story.

It has nice blue world which shows water, floating water also unborn baby and mother figure is floating with non gravity world, nice blue line makes good effect of movement also repeat of subject, you can work little more for this painting next week.