Sunday, July 31, 2011

Ubud Class / July 30th '11

Your abstract painting start showing character as floating color and shape, it has nice movement of shape and direction, so feel like dancing material, it has good contrast of color which creates depth between shapes, red and green also strong color contrast, interesting painting, good.

Your second painting also has floating with beautiful colors as liquid texture, and gentle light hits shapes, you are start getting idea of color and shape work together as one, your sense of color is very nice so that one of your character and nicely mixing color which is like liquid blending, so you have many part of yourself showing by painting it's nice one too.

You captured good lighting and strong light, also three dimensional depth between tomato and her, face has good shadow and feel light and shade good, it is good for you to use painting knife and brush together to express yourself,  light background and strong red in front makes good contrast of depth and light, good.