Sunday, August 14, 2011

Ubud Class / August 13th '11

It is such a nice painting of abstract, color is excellent and all the shape getting together in one image of abstraction, soft and strong light and dark, beautiful texture by soft touch, it is interesting that you can eliminated after you paint over, pic up something you find new shape and color from primary painted.
It has nice atmosphere and very good painting.

You captured nnice soft mood of water and almost part of Monet painting, soft reflection and strong orange makes painting more impact, it has also moody atmosphere and almost dream scape.
Light hits surface of water, but all the description made it as abstract expression too, good.

Your knife painting of flower is getting good and show more power of life of flower and stronger contrast makes painting more impact, you have good image for flower as subject of yours.

Your wipe off painting of self portrait is good and show many soft tone of color which hard to paint but wiping off the paint creates tone automatically so you see many soft tone of color for using as soft shadow, has also good expression of face and came out good.

Your first time using painting knife is good and captured good aspect of landscape with thick texture, has strong impact of paint and shows good depth and light. It has limited way to paint but you will find good taste of touch of knife which you can not control, good.

Second painting by knife is also very dynamic painting, especially the wave is beautiful and captured good movement and power, dynamic wave with strong texture but work as water, very good.

Your lotus painting has nice lighting because of dark background makes more contrast of light, red is nice and soft not vivid red but it works as softness, and creates atmosphere as night lotus and under the full moon.

Your abstraction expression is more cosmic this time, as comet and floating planet also expression of movement, you have good sense of color and expression by round shape and you can try as different shape next time.

Your painting of birth is getting much more interesting also shows beauty of birth as spiritual aspect, put new color on blue is also good idea, nice abstraction of image.

This is very interesting painting with such a short time expression of your feeling and very simple touch but nice line and color which is red shows some energy color, very emotional touch of brush make feel something from inside of you and I don't know what is, but I feel something strong. good.