Sunday, August 21, 2011

Ubud Class / August 20th '11

It is very simple composition but strong figure in center and shows good background for situation of rice farm, color is beautifully soft so feel air and soft light, planting rice expression by simple form of figure and it is like sculpture like, it has very nice atmosphere and nice mood. good.

You are developing your own abstract concept with color and shape, it has nice movement and floating idea, several color of blue is showing different mood of blue which tone of color creates expression, it has vertical composition which makes movement up and down but you can try to see different angle of movement and different thing to discover.

It is interesting view of movement from you not subject, it's horizontal movement by view from car, it is one way to show drastic movement and creates different direction of painting, rough touch of brush but you captured moving feeling well.

This painting is method of wipe off method , paint dark brown first and wipe shape off and put color on brown base, so creates synchronize tone of colors and feel togetherness of colors. this painting based brown tone so whole painting become one atmosphere so easy to see what's going on.

She use two canvas to creates stretch image or expanding idea of image, it is abstract wave and interesting design of wave which is more sculpture form and strong power, nice blue variation of tone.
light yellow sky and dark color of blue makes strong contrast and impact.

Her distortion of figure as more like Picasso's work it has symbolic expression and composition, trying to paint by own black and gray but shows so many tone of color and interesting composition also her distortion is kind of sculpture and three dimensional idea, interesting.

She has idea of centripetal which her mind could be same, it has strength in soft tone of color and shows quiet movement and quiet lighting but has energy of color which is healing, it is like meditation painting and feel relaxing and peace through eye contact, interesting. 

Scene of combing girl, and show certain atmosphere and calm and peace feeling, also lighting is important to show these aspect as quiet scene of life, where light come from and where shade are,
dark and light makes depth and space more three dimension effect, it will be nice painting if you put more shade and light.

Your abstract expression of " Liquid " is interesting, it has feeling of water and coolness of water that color makes it.deep part of water and shallow part of water is separated well by light color and dark color.It is nice to see a little color on green and blue to creates more atmosphere and accent of color, I think nice painting as it is, as impressionism outcome, also very moody too.

Your expression of color is rainbow and light so energy which you want express, but looks like abstract landscape too, you can imagine so may way of your expression to feel, because of basic color of light and simple composition, it's also has nice light which energy too.

This is more like landscape abstraction, water sand, land, current and yellow sky suggest where sun is, also lighting from upper left hits to bottom right which creates way of light, it is interesting painting because such a spontaneous touch of color but your mind was imagine something scenery of mind.

Your story was visualized on canvas and shows your fairy tale and story which your own, color is very positive and symbolic subject and color, yellow is very supportive for other colors, your imaginary story is for yourself and mysterious as my story.

This is another imaginary figure and looks happy and cheerful, simple composition and simple color but makes power and good contrast of colorI like bold black line for his body which shows his position or posing, round eye, round mouth but that's enough to show expression as you want so good.

This is very sophisticate abstract painting you did, composition and texture and colors, flat surface and texture surface, also movement color and still color, you have few good contrast effect on this painting and want to see more like this.

You try to paint figure but you have difficult to make like it is but you don't need to be like it is, use your own distortion to make painting interesting, I think you can try abstract expression for while to understand more color and shape so you can use it for other painting too.