Sunday, June 26, 2011

Ubud Class / June 25th '11

It's good example for knife painting and fits your method, you can express as impressionism this way,
color and texture works together well, also you have definition of each flowers so you feel many different kind of flowers by rough touch by knife, sometimes touch makes more realistic feeling not paint.

Your painting knife painting came out nice, still have your color and feeling too even different method for painting, It's nice painting has light and nice colors also difference of flowers by shape and texture, violet, orange, green and yellow are nice combination of color assorted. 

She painted also knife for figure, it has more dramatic atmosphere than paint detail of figure, it is like control of no-control method, captured much strong expression of figure too, even one eye is OK, you can try more of this method to paint figure so you know what can be eliminated for painting

It has such a sure idea for painting and strong but shows what is, strong contrast makes strength of flower life and warm color and cool color makes good contrast, also design of composition is more like abstract concept but light hits flower with black background which is powerful