Sunday, June 26, 2011

Your first oil painting came out good and captured expression of girl and you have many tone of color in brown which makes painting more synchronize color and see more of figure face, also you captured gentle lighting creates atmosphere and good.

Your red face lady and flower on hair shows enough definition how she is, and this kind of primitive touch of painting has special mood, minimum touch for painting but have to have charm for simple and primitive idea which is expression of this kind of painting.

It has dreamy lighting from top of canvas and lower hanging down which makes direction of painting as top to bottom, that's another movement of painting not only action movement. color of edge of background is nice and many colors makes richer to support lighting yellow.

It has geometrical design on painting which makes more interesting, strong black horizontal bars and dark angle for shadow very interesting way you captured light and shade, well design and composition, color also synchronize with figure image and expression. good.