Sunday, July 3, 2011

Ubud Class / July 2nd '11

It's came out nice painting with a lot of colors and strong stroke of touch of knife, good to see some of color is mixed and some color is plane that creates depth and contrast, also you will see all the lighting because of dark background. good.

You knife painting getting more stable and adjusted with well mixed color, but you need to have fresh non mix color for somewhere hits the light or make contrast with other mixed color will be much nicer, like color of vase, you keep mixing color is OK, but last touch of color is put fresh color on mixed color works more impact too.

Your hanging flower becomes more sensitive and feel lighter, also pastel color background makes more strong depth between front and back, tone of color creates depth and space between, it has abstract element but still you see what is, color is nice and gentle.

It's been long time to come back with this painting and sometimes hard to into, but came out nice with beautiful colors, especially combination color of body and face, background green also fits well with body color too, it has own atmosphere.

Your knife painting and brush painting combine 2 method came out good, strong texture of flower and floating background creates good harmony, simple design of composition but it's focus on flower well, also color is compliment color as violet and yellow are nice one, fade touch of line in background shows nice atmosphere for flower, good.

Your dark color makes painting very strong but works out good with open space of white and nice touch of color as blue on face and clothing which makes this painting attention, creates atmosphere by design, color and texture, good strong painting.

You got already good atmosphere of cock-fighting in bali, color is also nice already, so as lighting, composition is good with squire canvas which creates depth and space now, see how it's goes, I hope it dosen't take long time to finish.

Scene of India, nice color and complicate composition, I will comment much later when you got more information, but looks interesting now.