Saturday, June 18, 2011

Ubud Class / June 18th '11

She painted by painting knife and came out really nice touch of knife, very expressionism and still enough definition and color is also nicely mixed, this is very good method for you because you don't have to worry about detail, just express by touch of feeling, very good.

Second painting by knife is also nicely done, has more depth and no detail but you can see exactly what is, also this painting need more mixing color, but these paintings are very good try.

You made good wipe off painting of figure and color is nice with background which is dynamic, soft and still figure and emotional background makes nice contrast with balance because of color.
It has also nice light hitting her so as background too, good.

Charcoal grey background makes flower lighting, also creates depth between flowers and background, red and white flower are well appearance against gray and black which makes more dramatic still life painting.

Your tapping painting is came out nice and such a soft tone of color and texture, it is mixed many color to make single color but has more deeper taste, it is kind of abstract way you painted but image is more sure about flower, you got nice soft light and good painting.

You finished sadhu painting with beautiful colors, and got really nice atmosphere and feeling, also contrast of lighting is nice, you don't have to make so detail clear, this is enough touch to show what is and came out nice.

You finish this portrait by last touch for her decoration in painting, they came out much front and she become behind of flowers just like flower frame.

You finish bear painting with nice sky and well design, moon cloud and bear, you have steady composition to show everything, hand like cloud is interesting.