Sunday, January 19, 2014

Ubud Class January 18th '14

Strong expression of abstract and shows good movement and vivid color with warm and cool color together, it has also strong touch of paint which shows good emotion and power, interesting concept.

Another abstraction with psychological  landscape from inside of mind, it has also good depth which shows more story, rough touch of paint but still see something going on, and supporting each other with straight  line and shape with organic form and shape, good texture too.

It's beautiful color and nicely  fade out and strong color which creates nice contrast and also texture of smoothness and rough texture support each other well, it has good lively expression and  it is live.

It's nice painting of Mongol dog and scenery has great depth with air and space, color is also nice and earthy, it is very poetry painting also nice simple composition, good

It has bird eye point of view to creates space from above and nice light especially edge of trees in front that shows what kind of light, color is nice too, but you express light as morning light which makes scenery more interest.