You finally finished previous painting of African girl painting with adding on background. also used more mixed media as collage gold paper and touch of pastel which make more sharper and touch of definition of figure with soft color. colorful background and dark figure makes good contrast too, good.
Your figure painting with wipe off and scraping technique works nice and free expression, you creates a lot of nice free touch texture which makes this painting interesting, you also left some of drawing aspect with paint that makes more mixed media like and atmosphere too, good.
It is good and strong expression with strong shadow on face, good contrast which makes more attractive and interesting, your eye is always most expressive part of painting also nice colors, you have own strength in your painting and good.
Your landscape painting is came out really nice and so quiet and peaceful, reflection of water is nice and separate texture as sky which creates depth and distance in painting, it has good depth in the scene and color is nice and clear good light hits on the mountain far a way, good.
It has good composition with big durians are front, and strong perspective creates depth and wide space, you did good job on durian because of half of painting is durian. it is scene of bali village, good.
Good wave hitting rocky shore and has good and strong movement of wave which is most important part of painting for expression, also cloud in the sky makes depth and big and wide scene of landscape. it is very good wave and lively painting.
Your imaginary painting of flower is good, especially the bottom part of painting, very nice blue mixed with many color and texture is wonderful that makes whole painting different, also view above at water which changes painting point of view, imaginary world has more freedom and natural aspect, good.
Your violet flower painting liquidates to abstract but continue the colors, it might be how you feel about violet flower, just color was inspired and not shape or form, so it is OK to be like this, still has nice colors and touch of light and shade, so not bad at all after all.