Saturday, February 25, 2012

Ubud Class / February 25th '12

Print from previous painting which shows only line, and she put color and reacting totally new image from last line she did, it is nice painting without conscious, she related with her line to grow own imagination and cam out really nice painting, very cool and such a handsome painting.

Your painting knife painting getting better understanding with how to put fresh color on dark color, now you see the light hitting flower petal and more lively flower. each color shows vividness against dark background, it's good.

Now you made her with atmosphere by color, light and shade. also creates depth by left half with flowers and the other side only the light, she has cute expression and it is primitive painting but shows good mood.

The first painting you inspired by color and knife touch of painting so you did good study by copying and second one doesn't need copy you got know how to do by painting knife so you should use your own color and touch, just use knife touch you learned from previous painting, so next time you can make this painting more your own style.

It's good baron with happy face, color is interesting and warm feeling painting, it is like more person than Barong, expression like human but that's good.