Saturday, February 18, 2012

Ubud Class / February 18th '12

You made nice painting especially the face expression of her, and touch by painting knife, also texture of skin is good just like shine thick skin of African lady, it is such a good expression painting, you also captured really strong and nice light, beautiful.

You have big depth of background this time which makes painting big and scale of atmosphere, color is nice and well mixed, it has quality of poetry and show her expression more dramatic way, you capture figure by your way which is very important, good work.

Your clear eye really express her character and mood, eye has such a expression of face and did good, you are trying to eliminated many aspect to focus face which is good.

This painting has nice vivid color and mixed color supporting each other and line in this painting is very interesting so many kind of line and volume too, open space in center makes painting movement and something life and birth feeling, it si very optical painting that you see many images, good.

Your action painting getting more sophisticated with soft gradation so line and bold shape stand out good, this is mysterious painting but I like it somehow, has good mood too.

It is like minimal art quality, just color but has image you can get by color also nicely blended, and has nice light and reflection of light too, I can see morning landscape with foggy day.

It has POP art quality as comment on painting and kind of nice to see the letters with simple painting, very clear and straight expression and good.