Sunday, December 4, 2011

Ubud Class / December 3rd '11

It has beautiful contrast of light and shadow with different tone of shadow which makes more indication of shadow and light. good composition and nice expression of her face who is Balinese worker, organic figure and geometric line of shadow supporting each other as good contrast. it's beautiful painting.

Now you made this painting more lively than before, because of more consideration of light and shadow also how light hits flower that creates depth between and life in flower, it is important work with color next each other so, it's stand out both of color and creates three dimensional effects. You need to focus what you are painting and see small part with over all.

Your color is nice and already has good feeling about figure and has contrast already made so as depth, sometimes this is enough touch for painting, it's rough but captured atmosphere and colors, so next week will finish this painting.

You did good again about face of African, strong and nice expression, it has also design works in canvas which is important creates description of subject and atmosphere, color is nice and your touch of brush and finger works with your expression, good.

Your 3rd still painting is getting little complicated as you have many different texture, stone, cloth, metal wood and manga, so challenge for texture, also it has good composition and show more space for is idea of painting so you can put any color to paint and even don't think about subject, just paint on canvas.

Now this painting start showing as depth  and light, it has nice aspect of color and soft expression of shape and form which has different expression too, cool color, warm color and light color and dark color, that's important recognize color each other, green and light orange works good against dark red which previous color on canvas. 

It has strong movement of shape and this is just primary image and nothing much to tell, keep on going.