Sunday, October 9, 2011

Ubud Class / October 8th '11

It is interesting painting as abstract, your floating balls are getting much better especially the dark balls above is nice and such a three dimensional effect, and has weight too, it's makes painting stronger, also winding road shape in bottom creates such a perspective which is unique by all round line. you have good effort make something you like to do, good.

Your figure has such a nice expression on her face, it is not finish but you already captured expression, so easy to finish this painting, also color is very good as all similar color but has sensitive difference next each other so you see everything with different tone of colors, very good.

It has beautiful color with texture and pattern, you try to paint by left hand only and show some of your emotion as soft texture, it is limited to what you can do by left hand but you treat your limitation as your tool to paint, and created nice soft light and still similar expression of your painting you did before so something new for you.

Now your crystal ball appearing clearly and strong element of this painting, you have so many different aspects of symbolic touch all combine together to make your world, It has also hard edge design with emotional touch of paint which makes good contrast, shadow of crystal looks good.

You have made nice strong expression by touch of brush, also mixed color nicely, strong red background stand out blue and your touch, it is good to paint in one breath and sometime comes out good expression, and sometimes you look at it as somebody's painting to finish with more aspect.
good painting.

Your face is beautiful and good expression you captured by dark color which shows strong light and shadow, instead of paint person paint light, so what could be the best way to finish painting, light and shade, creates many things of painting.