Your Bali people series getting very good as concept of workers in Bali, also you captured atmosphere very well with color, it has heat of hot day in Bali and shows by light, you paint from photo you took so you have more in tune to situation of presents, and photo become like your sketch, keep on going.
You have good observation for your portrait and you did not take as personal, just face that makes painting more interesting, it is good way to study look at your self carefully as third person point of view, even those not only portrait any painting should be observe inside of you. very good painting.
If you try something new this time try big brush to paint, so you really need to work with what's big brush can do, not only what you want paint, which called method painting as need good improvisation and focus on method of what you can do rather than what you want to paint, I suggest some idea what big brush can do for you, so it's not criticize what you did.
It is very interesting painting as Pop painting method and shows strong energy of you and good movement of power, shows your emotion also expression too, shows nature in your mind and color is good and your own expression is getting more strong, colors are nice and clear, and shows good inside of you.
You are mastering method of painting knife which is your element of creativity, and good observation of image which every artists are shows own, it is OK to study looking at photo, painting, model or scene, just you have to in tune to subject and what you got inspire from them, so you will study what you are interested, colors are good and well n=mixed by knife, so you are gaining your skill.
Your touch of knife is getting so good, and instead thinking and hesitating just paint with facing what you interested, which bring you good essence of what you seeing. you captured good light with color, even only blue and white, so you will have texture and colors are own method with knife. good.
It is interesting painting as " Last rice farm in Seminyak " it's good to express something you feel and shows good contrast or paradox of between tourist and local people, also good to use perspective composition to focus your subject and message, it is effective composition. it's kind of funny painting but good to show what you feel.
It is difficult if you have primary image for painting, good to start with but when something showing on canvas, you should treat as your inspiration not image anymore so you can be in tune to what you did on canvas and don't criticize what is there between your primary image, primary image is just image what you are making is your though of mind and trust yourself to go on.