Sunday, June 5, 2011

Ubud Class / June 4th '11

Now you know how to paint sky and reflection after you made few scene of sky and water, you captured good sky and cloud which is realistic also light and reflection of shallow water of sky is good, color of sky and water has soft tone which is your taste of tone, darker color in front so make huge depth to horizon of deep sea, very good nice and sweet painting.

Your portrait of daughter's teacher is getting more cheerful and design of flower makes more original, her face is getting better as smile and gentle expression of her, color is nice also, she will like it.

Your painting touch of brush is one of your style and your expression tool, so you put rough touch with thick paint makes your style, it is good study for you to understand rough touch and rough mix color makes painting nice, it is painting method not only making picture idea, just paint color makes painting.

Your painting of sadhu in India got nice color and atmosphere, red makes heat and you have also nice depth which has distance and perspective effect by just tone of color, it has also nice light hitting sadhu which makes him strong existence.

You understand more about graphic of this painter also shape and color getting more clear and designed, it is interesting that only the black shape does showing expression of face with posing, and in the water, reflection of figure is good.

Your nude figure getting understanding lighting for body, so creates three dimension effect and volume for figure, if you see where light come from, then you know what color of light and shade, so keep on doing these figure so you will understand light and shade much better.

It has expression of face and atmosphere even painted rough with charcoal and paint, it is not only way you paint realistic, sometimes rough as almost abstract painting has more expression as Picasso painting, strong red and black also makes image strong and sure. good try for first painting.

You have interesting imaginary painting, color and texture is nice and you express well as what you thinking, iit is hope, dream and desire you express by red lighting object to holding, very good.

Your farewell gift painting for Jyoti is sweet and nice color and young horse which is expression of hope of youth and good subject for gift and color of sky is expressive too.

Your Hokusai's wave is interesting, with your own idea of boat on air which is interesting transition from Hokusai too, it has more dream quality of distortion idea and made this painting fairy tale of yours.

Your character monkey and octopus has some kind of story from you, some kind of fairy tale, baby hanoman talking to big octopus about water story looks like, characters are good and need little more situation of story then become more expressive.

Your bear looks big and strong because you made it big leg and ragged shape of bear, glass field is nice and well textured, you will finish this painting next time, with big sun.