Sunday, May 22, 2011

Ubud Class / May 21st '11

Painting of balinese praying at beach under the sun, it is showing strong sun light and colorful umbrellas are good contrast with white clothing they wear, also partly hitting light and shadow is important aspect for this painting, light and shadow makes this painting nice.

Your pointillism painting of barong is finally finished and such a work by good color points, you have balance of color where they put, also primitive way of painting of barong and alter with man and woman.
It has interesting graphic quality and nice and pure expression.

It has such a nice expression of your daughter and good light hitting on her and darker background also work well with her, you have good light color sense and always nice contrast with light and dark. This is lovely painting and great face expression you captured, good.

You did it again, nice abstract painting with beautiful color, this time is more form oriented rather than shape, it has nice smooth movement of black line which creates depth and support form, nice light in front and darker background makes depth and you are studying about how black can do against colors.

Your imaginary painting become more story and way you paint is getting more carefully and color also nice and mixed well, it has tone of morning light not too strong, it makes more meditating painting because of center conscious composition which makes steady and simple.

It is primitive wall painting from cave and shows ancient atmosphere and human touch, like Altamira cave painting and nice texture of old wall, you captured good aspect of old cave painting. it is interesting painting and did good.

Your abstract expression of " wave " is nice and strong, from your previous painting you learned character of wave and power of wave, you have several texture which shows more definition of movement and spontaneous touch is great.

Your study of color getting good and need to learn shape next time because color in the shape, if you want show color more, then you need the shape to make color shape, also your touch of painting is your feeling which more textured and strong brush stroke left.

Big eye painting has strong point of view and almost abstract painting but still eye popping out. you have strong way to express yourself as expressionist like, by subject and color makes your expression strong.

Now you can make same as original and you input yourself by color and shape so yo know how it's done, color is nice and quiet which makes this painting peace, next week you will add pattern on painting that makes nice one.

It has nice earth color on body and light hits interesting way, also face has good expression but you need more carefully touch for face then make this painting much nicer, you put another image in back which is good idea and creates depth of image.

Your portrait of your teacher getting it, it has nice and strong expression of eye and it has already show her character and you will finish next week for this painting.

Your expression of landscape is interesting and strong color and line, it is abstract expression and something rough but has rhythm of touch which makes this painting movement, so landscape but has interesting movement.