Sunday, May 15, 2011

Ubud Class / May 14th '11

You made nice abstract painting again as series of color and shape, it has more complicated composition than last time and relationship between each shape and colors are more complicated too, as you have important element for abstraction which Line, Color, Shape, Form, Texture and design.
It has also nice floating expression as no gravity, so you can look at it any angle. Good.

You finally finish dew painting and came out nice and good tone of color, it has also depth with focus dew and un-focus flower, and water texture of dew is good and catch some light, good painting.

Your imaginary painting start with psychological expression as tight rope and flower, also blue and gold looking color makes painting more mysterious , looks like metal texture and shine as gold. interesting start for new painting of yours.

It has such a good energy and painted so freely and show pleasant expression as singing girl, your imaginary painting is good as original, strong free stroke background creates movements of subject, also color is nice, it's a pop painting too, good.

Finally you finished this painting " Man on bicycle " color is nice and nice light hits on load of back of bicycle which shows it comes front and man in back, it is kind of Bali's scene of country side and shows simpleness and pure looking.

This painting has been waiting to touch for long time, now you got new situation and surrounding for figure subject, shows more depth and atmosphere of Bali scene, also has good perspective effect by where people are sitting, you can work on one more push to finish this painting too.

Your imaginary scene of painting as child playing at flower pad in the city in sunset time, it is nice that orange light hits between the building and flower on the road too, strong contrast of color makes this painting more sharp and express well especially the heart in child shows likable expression too.

Your  homage painting from New Orleans painter is came out very nice and shows light hits people and made peace expression also color is right, a little shadow on white clothing makes good lighting, you will continue as simple but expressive painting as this.

You captured Van Gogh's cafe in the night, and shows good light in cafe and vivid colors are works with dark sky color and lighter blue edge of sky makes deeper sky, you will study good colors and good composition from this painting.

Small painting of indian design ying yang elephants playing sitar, color is nice and earthy and soil or muddy  color is nice also thick painted texture too. nice little painting.