It is nice colors and good composition, and has a nice atomosphere of Balinese life.
It has also nice contrast of color which makes a nice painting.
Beautiful colors and nice sunset scene color is so good as not real but feel so realistic, you captured your way of light and very good.
Your portrait of man has such a moody expression and nice color to show his expression as blue feeling, it has also cold feeling as blowing leaf in air such anise expressive painting of man.
Your expression of abstraction which very spontaneous touch and paint, you put relief string cloth makes three diminutional effects, but hard to see in photo.
You finish this painting with nice colors and good composition, nice weight of flower and strong existence and feel lively, very good.
Your abstraction image of painting is interesting as nice stroke of paint and tone of red colors, it is powerful and strong expression, our imaginary subconscious memory is interesting.
You finished nice way of this flower which you gave warm pink around that makes much softer and lively, also nice texture for center of flower, it is sun flower for sure.
It is getting much richer and nice mix of color that makes more soft and delicate color and creates texture, color each other start blending and fitting with oneness, very good.
Your Agung mountain is very good and has nice expression of mountain with cloud, and far a way there through farm and hill and coconuts trees, good perspective makes big and long distance for painting scene.
Another mountain scene, this is more dry feeling of landscape and shows more heat from ground.
Your psychological painting with nature and your deep inside, you are observing yourself with your impression and mind, so interesting.