It is getting your expression of flower by abstraction as dreamy and mysterious.color in background is so deep and supporting flower petal push it out. good painting.
Your expressive painting is strong but same time very delicate as face expression, touch of brush is very free and still see the lighting on face, it's good.
The color is nice and good contrast for figure, brownish surrounding and light pink clothing has nice synchronized tone of color, also has depth, good.
Your first time oil painting is bit of difficult but came out nice mood of painting and good composition of bunch of lotus, you can see the light, and feel air, good.
It has b=nice colors and well mixed color too, balance of warm color and cool color also nice. your imaginary painting of bird is very good.
Very nice composition from your imaginary, bird had movement of wing and color is good, also has story of night bird and good.
Your imaginary landscape is interesting as Balinese scene, farm and road also big tree and palm tree, you captured well for bali landscape and good.