Saturday, October 12, 2013

Ubud Class October 12 th '13

It has beautiful tone of colors, and human structure but has movement and lively, almost see through figure like, nice ribcage creates three dimension effects color is nice and soft. well done.


Your self portrait is very interestin with a lot of colors and shows your expression well, your free touch of brush is your expression also original, so many colors on face but you see face well and good idea, keep on going.

Your first painting in your life is very good, especially the story of your life and very dreamy and lovely painting you made, I wonder why you never had chance to paint before, you can express very well and you did very good.

Your nude lady has good weight and volume for figure and you made nice wher she sit on, color is good too, well done.

Your Mongol scene has good mood and shows light of misty morning, also creates good depth which shows wide landscape, also color is nice and chic, good.

You start new one with man it's already see the mood of back, shoulder angle is good, up and holding bag, that's expression of pose of figure, like man with shoulder bag. continue next time.

You try today paint by palette knife to paint, but came out good texture also with nice expression of face and color is good,