Saturday, August 3, 2013

Ubud Class August 3rd '13

Your painting has own color and own atmosphere and mood too, you can paint well as your style now which is great. color also youe color and nice, less detail but shows enough description, good.

Your flower in hand painting is well done with strong color and soft image. It has nice contrast of colors and strong too, good steady hand and good texture in background, good.


Your imaginary world is interesting as surreal image and also psychological  painting of deep inside of you, it has good perspective and depth you creates by gate in front and smaller dart in back, very good painting.

Your second painting is abstraction image of human face but has strong expression too, color also interesting as earthy color on face, it has very interesting balance of face without balance.

You retouched previous painting to finish, good painting, has movement and depth also nice abstraction.

Your under sea story has some kind of message from you, confronted two fish or conflict presser, it primitive touch but show what happening well.