It has nice fading and clear contrast makes movement toward right, it has nice atmosphere of circler object, and nice and light as floating. nice misty painting.
This is beautiful painting of circle, nice yellow line is good touch and free hand drawing of circle has taste, strong red circle has good existence with leading power for rest of circle, nice painting, if this painting is big as 2m square, it's great painting.
Another good one, it has interesting texture in circle as metallic and high light creates good three dimension effects, soft color background is also supporting these circle, good.
This painting has interesting composition and little bit weak for impact which is contrast, blue triangle background doesn't support circle just separated and maybe without blue will be much interesting.
It has nice color of background, and white moon, it has all brownish tree has very organic and earthy color, it has also dry land feeling and feel heat, good one.
It has interesting color of flower in ying yang background as night and day, lively day light and resting night light that you expressed well, it's good one.
It's a nice abstraction and beautiful color and creates good contrast by red and black circle, well balance composition and nice painting.
It is simple composition but shows light well, it is minimal art kind of painting and express well by simplicity of painting, good.
This is nice painting you made, has nice colors and cool color and warm color supporting each other good to make contrast, very steady composition and sharp horizontal line support free hand flowers, good.
Nice abstraction, very clean and simple but scratched line is nice but hard to see in photograph, it has nice two color contrast and good.
It is good abstract painting with steady composition and soft color and dark colors contrast is also good, also objects are interesting subject and has movement makes live, good.
It is nice abstract painting it has direction and strong contrast of color and shape, black shape is good and writing also makes painting interesting, nice touch of background texture, good painting.
Your second painting is interesting as comic strip, and sharp and strong line cut out nice textured triangle shape to be telling different story and feeling, good and good experimentation.
Your elephant painting has nice and soft image and elephant is forward movement and pastel background supporting by color and tone, you can touch again next week.