Sunday, July 21, 2013

Ubud Class July 20th '13

It is nice painting with nice texture and expression also colors, it has really nice quality of painting even rough touch of brush and captured light too, good.

Nice soft tone of colors and well painted of scenery of backyard of Bali, you also creates nice depth and has soft light around  in air space, and also your painting has nice atmosphere too, good.

You created such a deep depth shallow water to deep water and sky, it has a nice mood for painting and dark color makes painting rich and volume to it, it's good painting.

Your corp and lotus leaf painting has good energy and movement and stillness, it is nicely done by your imagination and feel peace and calm, composition also good too.

Your first time oil painting came out good, it has nice lively energy and nice colors and texture, faded color background also supporting pink flower well. good.

You did goo for african lady portrait and you captured good expression of her especially the eye also color of skin, also face has good three dimension volume and texture of hair and skin, good.

You have very good deformed animal as very original way which your design and arrangement  of creation, but has expression and impact of shape of animal makes painting modern, good.

It is interesting that leaf was wiped off for background and flower could be stand out, simple composition but has nice mood for it, soft and moody, good.

You painted pot as porcelain and show that texture of porcelain and without shade you did made roundness by design of pot which is good, dark background is good support for ivory color pot.

You finish with soft tone of color and only clear part is expression of dancer's face which is interesting, color is nice and pastel like.