Sunday, June 10, 2012

Ubud Class / June 9th '12

This painting of human heart has good abstraction and strong and very impressive painting, nice color and texture on heart, also a lot of nice line in it, it has kind of POP painting but has lively painting.
color of background support weel for textured heart. very good.

Retouched painting of previous painting as added god hand holding baby head and made strong contrast of shape of baby but came out much strong and more description for story of this painting.

Her 100 years old grandmother's portrait is coming good and more reality of face and expression now, she paint carefully because of she knows her well and she can see small detail also, it will be finish next week to completed.

her color is very nice and created atmosphere well and dark color background has contrast with the painted boy, captured his expression and will be good painting after continue.