Sunday, March 4, 2012

Ubud Class / March 3rd '12

It is figure abstraction and captured light and shade also focus on simplicity as drawing quality and shows nice line and form of abstraction. color is rather like monotone color but you will see that color also shows light and shade, interesting painting.

It is also simplicity for painting as shows abstraction of part of figure but has great volume with less color and line, contrast between background texture and smooth form of figure like, also contrast of color makes image stand out so strong. nice lines.

This is the painting of result from two previous paintings, as beauty of line, texture, color and form, it has almost contemporary poetry and has image expanding a lot of story as birth, color is so rich and contrast of texture creates mood and atmosphere well, good one.

Your eye and mouth is getting perfect and that shows her expression the most and color is good too, you are start understanding how you can eliminate some of element you don't nee for your imagination, so it become more clear and strong about what you want to paint, good.

Your imaginary landscape of ocean is very good with painting with wipe off and paint to see the tone of color and image, it is working for your image and method of wipe off is good method for you, so you can creates same time as painting for image.

Your mystic woman become more mysterious than before and shows depth and contrast between out side light and inside light, so creates depth by lighting and color, it is interesting that your abstraction of figure but shows certain character of woman and feeling of her thought, good.

Composition of squires are showing almost landscape of city and crowd together building from far sight of view and light and shadow creates depth of building each other also adding more texture of surface makes some old and new too, it is good scene of city landscape.

I like your people's face so free and without thought and your imaginary face makes so natural expression and feeling, even color is so free for face but still you can see the face expression well, good.

Your ganesha is finished and show him good stand out, it is more like religious graphic image and only part I can see you is face like yourself. 

Your painting has primitive and folk art quality as no skill but it is the taste of painting and you, it is kind of wonder painting also eccentric taste  also painting, but interesting.

Your first painting become very lively and has good energy, it is like cartoonish image and touch but shows your expression as strength, has also movement of painting and sure expression.

Your abstraction image of human or nature organ makes powerful and nice lighting, it is very lively expression and strong. color is good and show your power of inside, very good.