Sunday, February 5, 2012

Ubud Class / February 4th '12

It has really nice balance between objects and background, become one painting with same quality, colors are nice and fade also composition is good and impacted, it has some kind of psychological expression of yours, color, design,shape,form,texture,line and shape you got all of them. Good.

It is nice paint over painting and wipe off where you selected which is you eliminated and pic up to creates new image, and when you start fixing your painting, you will have more higher creativity to organize what they are, so this painting has good example for that method, color and design is very nice.

You finally finish thia painting and came out really nice color between figure and background, also has nice soft tender light in background which helps his expression too, the colors are beautiful and good composition too.

It has such a strong expression and powerful painting of woman, color and texture is nice, also captured good light and shade, touch of brush is rough but painting comes out very sensitive way, and nice painting you made.

This time figure is little smaller in canvas but you creates background more consciously done with bigger space which makes different atmosphere, like more figure and situation, so, it's perfect way you design of figure in canvas, nice color and texture, good painting.

Finally came out nice finish painting with dark tone of color but has nice light and shade which creates more poetry element for painting, this lighting also shows where she is sitting and her face has such a strong and nice expression, color is beautiful  now, very good.

This is an another nice painting of yours, strong and light, way you painted is free and light but expression you created is strong that good contrast, also you start eliminate detail which is much nice, you only focus what you want show, not everything, so your sense is comes out for elimination of subject. nice color too.

Now you also eliminate a lot and focus of expression of face, eye and lips has good expression and rest of them are just setting for face, so it's works and also good close up and modern feeling it has.

Your lotus painting getting very spiritual now, it has graphic finish of background and you made lotus more three dimensional and great volume, I put light on your lotus which makes ten times better, so become nice one.

Your figure has color and little bit form now, need more light and shade but background color is nice and dark which fits with figure's color, you can finish next week for this panting.

You start another painting and just primary expression of color but something nice about this quick touch painting, it has already movement and light, so light painting but has interesting quality of color and light.

You have the image you wants to paint but you should be more free to express as your own, also what you want paint is your expression and not someone's image so please try to see basic interest from image you selected, and creates own divine painting.

Your first painting is interesting and has quality of primitive aspect and just fine too, important thing is you enjoy what you paint, and continue.