Sunday, July 17, 2011

Ubud Class / July 16th '11

It has good classic element of color and shows expression of before fighting, color is nice which has atmosphere, good light and shade, red cock is good idea for against white cock, but need cockscomb
for head of cock which is red, then more accent of color.

Landscape painting by painting knife, it has good contrast where scrape paint and put many paint on, strong texture and light texture by knife, color is good and rich, also has depth but need more contrast of  tone of color as dark color next light color or mixed color and clear color.

Your abstract series getting more powerful and pretty, nice touch of background colors with unconscious   touch which makes more movement and free form of touch and color, then your conscious shape and composition on top of it makes separate idea, so you need some kind of contrast or synchronicity for both of them, as color or shape or texture.

Your combination of brush and knife is working for idea and inspiration of image, strong contrast of color and texture makes painting more vivid and powerful, as always need light sauce where light is coming from and where light is hitting too.

It is showing your psychological situation which your damage of  pulled muscle, and pain is showing in this painting and strong bold line is your memory of impact light color of expression is your physical damage, pose of figure is protecting also hoping to be cure, it's good to show how you feel.

You captured balinese dancing with group and posing too especially the hand shows more than body, color is nice also rough figure painted but enough description of dancing, horizontal background shows depth of space so figures are coming out in front.

Your lady on horse is your fairy tale also apocalypse painting, dark and light are important show what is going on sometimes, also this kind of movement, you need space for direction which is left side of canvas, you are painting her but you should paint whole thing to make composition. 

Your experimentation of touch of painting knife is very interesting as minimum color and minimum touch, it is kind of pretty painting with spontaneous touch which makes free expression. also white color creates so many tone of color on green background color to mix with it.

It is just touch of color but nice colors, and white is working to stand up other color next, it is abstraction expression but more less design so you need little more concept for the painting.

Your painting knife paint good and shows lively flower texture, also composition is good as life of flower, has enough contrast of color and contrast of texture between the background, your first knife painting is nicely done.

Your calligraphy painting become rather abstract expression with color and texture, it is more like minimal painting but looks like simplify human line walking as keep on trucking. Yellow and gray is nice color together, it's says Mohammed, but become painting looks more friendly.

It has nice element of abstraction with nice texture by painting knife, your touch is well control and rhythm  of touch makes constant touch of knife which is more like pointillism idea of touch, but came out nice painting, also minimum colors are showing tone and good texture, good.

Your calligraphy painting is more abstract and almost digital effect of touch, small square touch  is like dot of digital, your touch of knife has constant touch as pointillism. It has more element of graphic.

Nazri & San
Your collaboration work is good, just like one person's work, this painting shows togetherness as well, two person together in the world of dark and light as life, has two personality of contrast, I say " Man and woman"